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Burman Nursery and Infant School

Our Governors



 At Burman Infants, we are fortunate to have a dedicated team of governors who work hard to ensure the school runs smoothly and that every child receives the best education and care possible. Our governors bring a wealth of experience and skills to support the school leadership, hold the school to account, and help shape its future direction, whilst ensuring statutory duties are maintained under law.


Governors do this by the appointment of our Headteacher and ensuring that the leadership and management of the school have appropriate plans and resources in place to deliver a high quality and effective learning for all children at Burman Infants. This includes, but not limited to, monitoring performance and attainment, managing the budgets and overseeing the maintenance of the premises, to ensure that the school is always providing an effective education.


Our full governing board meet at least once a term to review school policies, monitor financial and circular progress, and plan for the future. They are always eager to hear from parents, staff, and the local community, as their role is to act in the best interests of all. If you would like to contact our governing board, please feel free to reach out via the school office.


Below, we’d like to introduce you to the wonderful people who make up our governing board. All governors have received the required training. Each governor has a unique role, and together, they are passionate about helping Burman Infants grow and succeed.



Mr R Horton – Chair of Governors

Mrs M Allen – Vice Chair of Governors

Mr C Dunlevy - Governor

Mrs L Wall - Governor

Mrs A Farmer – Parent Governor

Mr J Huxtable – Parent Governor

Pecuniary interests

The Governors at Burman undertake a termly assessment of pecuniary interests and there are currently no conflicts of interest.  This is updated each term to reflect any changes.

We have a full governing body who represent a range of experience and professional backgrounds.

For the latest vacancies please visit:
Governor Vacancies
