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Burman Nursery and Infant School

About Burman

Burman Nursery and Infant School provides early years education for children from 3 – 7 years within the Solihull Local Authority.

The Nursery has 26 morning places.  All other year groups have a two form entry (two classes of 30 children in each year group).

The year groups are organised in two key stages:

Nursery Year AM Foundation One
Reception Year (class 1 and class 2) Foundation Two
Year One (Class 3 and Class 4) Key Stage One
Year Two (Class 5 and Class 6) Key Stage One

Staff plan together the teaching activities and experiences for the children within the requirements of the national curriculum.  Each year group works strongly as a team and whole school planning ensures continuity and progression.  The children experience a range of teaching strategies to best meet the needs of the children and the subject being taught.

Personal and Social Development

The children have opportunities throughout school to develop personal and social skills to prepare them for their future lives.  They discuss social situations and scenarios to provide them with appropriate strategies to use in the playground and beyond.  Playground mediators enjoy the responsibility of  encouraging happy playtimes.  We have school and class councils to seek the views of children and ensure they play a part in school development

Recording and reporting to parents

We believe in developing a close relationship with parents, working together to benefit the children.  We operate an ‘open door’ policy where communication is key.

Staff maintain on-going records of children’s progress in all subjects.  These inform discussions with parents at parents consultation evenings.  Records and evaluation also inform future planning for groups and individuals.

Reports are produced annually and sent to parents in the Summer Term.  The Reception and Year 2 children’s reports also contain their end of key stage results.

Child safety

The staff and Governors of the school believe that the children’s safety is paramount.  Every care is taken to maintain the safety of our site and the activities within it.  We are bound by the Solihull Child Protection Policy and therefore are obliged to report any incident of unexplained injury or general concerns (whether in or outside school hours)

Supervision—To keep them safe, children must never enter the playground      unsupervised or be left there on their own.  No children are allowed into the classrooms before the teacher is there.  In the interests of Health and Safety, dogs are not allowed into the school grounds (with the exception of assistance dogs).